Vocational Service is frequently demonstrated by offering young people career guidance, occupational information and assistance in making vocational choices. Some clubs sponsor high school career conferences.
Many clubs recognise the dignity of employment by honouring exemplary service of individuals working in their communities. Each year the Rotary Club of Ballina-on-Richmond holds a Vocational Service Award evening where they recognise people in the local community who have shown that they give outstanding service in their vocation.
Vocational talks and discussions of business issues are also typical vocational service programs offered by most clubs.
Regardless of the ways that Vocational Service is expressed, it is the banner by which Rotarian’s “recognize the worthiness of all useful occupations” and demonstrate a commitment to “high ethical standards in all business and professions.” That’s why the Second Avenue of Service is fundamental to every Rotary Club.
Each year the Rotary Club of Ballina-on-Richmond hold a Vocational Service Award evening where they recognize people in the local community who have shown that they give outstanding service in their vocation. A number of candidates are nominated and between 6-10 awardees who qualify are recognized at a special event where their colleagues and families can help celebrate their achievements
This is an annual award and is only given to a limited number of people in the community who our Club members recognise as being employees who give exemplary service in their vocation.