Our Members


50 years of Service to Rotary

WM Milton 50 years 3 pics -01

Our Rotary Club of Ballina-on-Richmond had the privilege of acknowledging and celebrating 50 years of Rotary Service in 2016 of club member Milton Colburt.  Milton’s contribution to Rotary is outstanding and our club is proud to have Milton, with the support of his wife Maureen and family as one of our treasured members.

A brief history of Milton’s involvement in Rotary:

 Milton joined Rotary in 1966 at the age of 27.  He was a member of the Hunters Hill Rotary Club and  then Castle Hill Rotary Club (then known as Baulkham Hills).

 Milton, during his Rotary career served various club roles including President of his club in Sydney in  1987-1988, which at the time had 74 members.

 Milton received his Paul Harris Fellow in 1992 and Maureen received hers at the last function they had  at their home in Dural before they moved to Ballina.

 Milton then joined Ballina-on-Richmond. Milton was the founding chairman of the Ballina Fine Wine  and Food Festival.

 Milton and his family hosted exchange students over the years, his 2 children were also exchange  students.

 Milton supported all youth activities especially, RYLA, RYPEN, Interact and his daughter Chartered a  Rotaract Club at Galston in 1988.

 He has always supported other Rotary organisations including Inner Wheel (Maureen, his wife has  been President of various Inner Wheel clubs).

 Milton is an outstanding Rotarian and we are very fortunate to have Milton as one of our valued club  members.


What does Rotary mean to me?  Why did I join Rotary?

A few words from our Rotary Club Members –

Why am I in Rotary?

1.   Rotary is community committed
2 . Rotary is world committed
3.  Rotary is ethical and respected worldwide
4.  Rotary is fair minded, non-judgemental and sincere
5.  Rotary is professional
6.  Rotary is also fun
7.  Rotary comprises an eclectic selection of people
8.  Rotary is an architect of friendship building between people worldwide
9.  Rotary creates and builds opportunities especially for youth and people who are in need
10. Rotary is awesome



Yes Rotary is about Fellowship, Friendship and Fun however for me it is about an extended second Family.
For us our family is very small. I see Rotary as an extension of Family.
BOR fits this description as it extends warmth and unconditional regard to the members.
Plus the hugs are good too!
